Hydracad Training

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Q:Is there a setting that allows you to put the inch mark (“) after pipe sizes? Some of our drawings have the inch mark and then newer drawings leave the mark off?

Hydracad Tutorials

A: Yes. When you start a new drawing, there is a place there for adding a suffix. If you put in an inch mark, it will show up when you size pipe. If you want to change it after you have already started a drawing, pick the HydraTools pulldown then pick Options and then pick Access Drawing Unit Setup. How to install portraiture plugin in photoshop cc 2020 mac. The next time you elevate the drawing and bring it back down, the inch marks will appear/disappear as you set them. Simcity 5 download free mac.


Hydracad Training

Hydrocad training

Hydracad Blog

HydraCAD-Râ„¢ is a complete solution specifically created for the residential fire sprinkler market. It can be used to design, hydraulically analyze, material. Training Videos. We're pleased to announce the availability of free training videos, each devoting 30-60 minutes to a specific HydroCAD topic. These recordings are available on our YouTube channel, or by clicking one of the direct 'YouTube' links below. Other Training Options. In addition to recorded videos, we also offer a complete self-study. Learn the basics of HydroCAD-10 in just 50 minutes! Covers everything from installation to rainfall selection and detention pond modeling. You'll be off to a. The Ultimate Fire Sprinkler Guide is the database dedicated to fire sprinkler contractors, helping them find the products & services they need Hydratec, Inc. Hydratec provides a complete line of BIM integrated software for the fire protection industry. I used HydraCAD for about 9 years and have been on SprinkCAD for the last 3 years which is a lot more forgiving with BTS elevations. RE: New to HydraCad and Fire Sprinkler Design KMARTINEZ (Mechanical) 9 Sep 17 10:00.