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  1. From Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. 1 List of Skills. 1.1 Martial skills (12) 1.2 Physical skills (17).
  2. Name: 05-08-19Grimoire Size: 775.85kB (794,475 bytes) Type: Zip archive: First seen: August 5, 2019 at 5:43:57 AM GMT+2: MD5.

Download Grimoire 3.8 by Biney. Lets get to the point. A new bot called Grimoire is created by someone and I will post the file here as soon as possible.

  • 1List of Skills

List of Skills

Martial skills (12)

  • Archery The ability to draw and fire a bow with sufficient skill to strike a target.


  • Axe&Scimitar The skill of wielding large edged weapons in battle.


  • Backstabbing The ability to surprise an opponent from behind with a weapon.


  • Bladesmanship The skill of fighting with a knife or short ranged weapon in melee.



  • Hammer&Mace Prowess with blunt weapons used to bludgeon or smash an opponent in combat.



  • Lash&Chain The skill of wielding extension weapons like the whip, chain and lash in combat.


  • Metallurgy The ability to forge powerful weapons and to construct them from components.


  • Shield The defensive art of blocking attacks and missiles with the shield in combat.


  • Slings&Bolas The art of wielding and using weapons that are flung or that fling projectiles.



  • Spear&Lance Skill at wielding extended weapons in combat.


  • Staff&Rod Skill at wielding the staff, rod and wand in battle.



  • Swordsmanship Prowess with long, narrow edged weapons in battle.


Martial skills sorted by rarity:

  • Metallurgy (02:Metalsmith,Sage)
  • Backstabbing (06:Assassin,Bard,Jester,Pirate,Ranger,Thief)
  • Archery (10:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Axe&Scimitar (10:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Lash&Chain (10:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Spear&Lance (10:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Swordsmanship (10:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Shield (11:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thief,Warrior)
  • Hammer&Mace (12:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger,Templar,Thaumaturge,Thief,Warrior)
  • Bladesmanship (14:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Slings&Bolas (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Staff&Rod (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


Physical skills (17)

  • Accuracy Assists in hitting a target when throwing, shooting or firing a projectile.

(02 Metalsmith,Ranger)

  • Berserking A deadly art involving a special method of attack with weapons in combat.


  • Climbing The physical skill of climbing walls, ascending cliffs and dropping into pits.



  • Evasion The ability to make a safe strategic retreat without injury during combat.



  • Hand-to-Hand The adeptness with which one fights when unarmed in combat.



  • Inspection The art of divining the workings, weaknesses and design of mechanical devices.



  • Iron Hands A martial arts techinque involving concentrating force in a single hand blow.


  • Lethal Blow The knowledge of critical body areas and targets needed to strike a fatal blow (NOTE: Needs weapons which have *Lethal* in their stats when you assay them.)


  • Lockpicking The art of picking locks on doors and chests.


  • Music Proficiency in playing musical instruments and keeping harmony.


  • Ninjitsu The secret art of fighting with open hands to inflict maximum damage on a foe.


  • Robbery The larcenous art of relieving strangers of their valuables without discovery.


  • Scout The ability to scout hidden features while exploring unfamiliar areas.



  • Stealth The ability to hide oneself amidst shadows or behind terrain features.



  • Swimming The physical ability to ford deep water without drowning.



  • Throwing The skill of throwing objects so as to strike a target.



  • Trickery The art of using props and pranks to beguile or defeat opponents in combat.


Physical skills sorted by rarity:

  • Berserking (01:Berserker)
  • Trickery (01:Jester)
  • Accuracy (02 Metalsmith,Ranger)
  • Ninjitsu (02:Assassin,Jester)
  • Iron Hands (02:Assassin,Jester)
  • Music (03:Bard,Jester,Sage)
  • Robbery (05:Assassin,Bard,Jester,Pirate,Thief)
  • Lethal Blow (06:Assassin,Berserker,Jester,Metalsmith,Pirate,Ranger)
  • Lockpicking (07:Assassin,Bard,Jester,Pirate,Ranger,Sage,Thief)
  • Climbing (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Evasion (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Hand-to-Hand (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Inspection (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Scout (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Stealth (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Swimming (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Throwing (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


Mental skills (15)

  • Alchemistry The magical study of the four elements of fire, air, water and earth.


  • Ancient History Knowledge concerning the distant past of customs, peoples, locations and events.


  • Arcanum The study of the most powerful, dangerous and arcane magic secrets and spells.


  • Assaying The knack of identifying and classifying items according to their properties.



  • Barter The ability to bargain with merchants and get the fairest price in commerce.



  • Diplomacy The art of negotiation necessary to interact with intelligent creatures.
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  • Incantation The ability to recite spells written on scrolls and cast the successfully.



  • Invocation The ability to properly summon and target the magical powers of an item.



  • Litany The holy study of divine prayers that lead to power and favour with the gods.


  • Mephistics The art of applying poison to weapons so as to increase their effectiveness.


  • Mythology The knowledge of legends and lore concerning strange creatures and beings.


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  • Nature Lore The art of identifying and mixing ingredients in plants, powders and reagents.


  • Necromancy Communication with the spirits of the dead and demons to acquire occult secrets.


  • Scribe Degree of literacy with written works and ability to accurately copy spellbooks.



  • Sorcery The magical art of memorizing and casting spells.


Mental skills sorted by rarity:

  • Ancient History (01:Sage)
  • Necromancy (01:Necromancer)
  • Litany (02:Cleric,Templar)
  • Nature Lore (03:Ranger,Sage,Thaumaturge)
  • Diplomacy (05:Cleric,Metalsmith,Pirate,Sage,Templar)
  • Sorcery (06:Bard,Jester,Pirate,Sage,Warrior,Wizard)
  • Alchemistry (06:Assassin,Berserker,Metalsmith,Ranger,Thaumaturge,Thief)
  • Arcanum (06:Bard,Cleric,Necromancer,Sage,Thaumaturge,Wizard)
  • Mephistics (09:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Jester,Pirate,Ranger,Sage,Thaumaturge,Thief)
  • Assaying (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Barter (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Incantation (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Invocation (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Mythology (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


  • Scribe (15:Assassin,Bard,Berserker,Cleric,Jester,Metalsmith,Necromancer,Pirate,


You can safely ignore these skills:

  • Evasion The ability to make a safe strategic retreat without injury during combat.
  • Throwing The skill of throwing objects so as to strike a target.
  • Mephistics The art of applying poison to weapons so as to increase their effectiveness (Poisoning weapons goes away very quickly).
  • Nature Lore The art of identifying and mixing ingredients in plants, powders and reagents (Only if you want to use crafting).
  • Metallurgy The ability to forge powerful weapons and to construct them from components (Yeah, I don't think it's really necessary since the AC improvement of armor items seems to be temporary)

Nice to have, but not really necessary:

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  • Stealth The ability to hide oneself amidst shadows or behind terrain features (Especially later in the game, many fights will be resolved in just one round, so that hiding is not necessary. Put the weakest two characters in the back row where most enemies won't be able to reach them.)
  • Robbery The larcenous art of relieving strangers of their valuables without discovery.
  • Berserking A deadly art involving a special method of attack with weapons in combat (Berserkers fight just fine with Lethal Blow. Berserking also runs the risk of attacking your own party, until you max out this skill.)
  • Barter The ability to bargain with merchants and get the fairest price in commerce.
  • Incantation The ability to recite spells written on scrolls and cast the successfully.
  • Have one of the guys study Invocation to use the magical items you come across, but also quite optional really.

Needed only somewhat later in the game:

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  • Ancient History Knowledge concerning the distant past of customs, peoples, locations and events (mostly used to read ancient inscriptions which sometimes have passwords for optional areas).
  • Climbing The physical skill of climbing walls, ascending cliffs and dropping into pits (First needed after Samhain, skill goes up through use. Best to cast Featherfall and increase your climbing skill safely that way).

Important for spellcasters:

  • Scribe Degree of literacy with written works and ability to accurately copy spellbooks (After you find the Read Magic spellbook, the Scribe skill becomes less important. Scribing Eldritch and Arcanum spellbooks will still require a high Scribe skill, even with Read Magic).
  • The Magic Skill each spellcaster is using (marked in pink) is very important too - and the guys that will scribe Arcanum spellbooks should later put some points in the Arcanum skill as well.

Important for melee:

  • Lethal Blow The knowledge of critical body areas and targets needed to strike a fatal blow (NOTE: Needs weapons which have *Lethal* in their stats when you assay them. Only some classes have Lethal Blow.)
  • Specialize each fighter in one or two Weapons skills and the Shield skill can come in handy too.

Other skills:

  • Inspection and Lockpicking are super-important to have on a Sage, Thief or Bard. You need both skills to open almost all treasure chests and some doors - until you learn the Knock Knock spell later.
  • Music instruments can be quite good (unlimited spells basically) for attacking groups of enemies. The Music skill (only Bards, Sages and Jesters) also goes up through use, though relatively slowly.
  • Put only a couple points into Swimming of each character at some point, because then you can increase that skill every time you step into water. Less than a couple points in swimming and you drown.
  • As to Diplomacy, the skill is not super important I think, but it can help in some situations apparently.

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