Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion

  1. Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Panel
  2. Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Player
  3. Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Tabs
  4. Where Is The Serial Number On My Hohner Accordion

Hohner Accordion Buying Guide I just bought a hohner preciosa on ebay. The serial numbers are often stamped faintly. The first step is to identify the serial number located on the back of the instrument. The Hohner website recommends contacting a representative to. Hi, stumbled on the site checking for details on Epi SG's. Jan 13, 2016 Help with Hohner Guitar identification I have no idea what the name of the model is - I can t seem to find a serial number on the boday or neck anywhere. Filterzips97 2016-01-12 23:49 Hohner Guitar Serial Numbers.


Where is the serial number on an accordion tabs

Accordions are built to last. Their sturdy construction is designed to make them reliable companions for decades of playing. But even the finest accordion will begin to show signs of wear and tear after years of use. Reeds may go out of tune, keys can start to stick or the bellows could develop a crack. And if an old instrument has been in storage for a while, it might have gathered dust and require a thorough cleaning.

Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Panel

But don’t give up on your old accordion. The Hohner Service team in Trossingen specializes in restoring vintage Hohner instruments and stocks a wide range of original parts. We will be happy to recondition your beloved accordion and restore it to its former glory. Please use the form below to contact master accordion builder Ralf Trischler and his team, and we will be happy to advise you.

Dating and valuation

Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Player


Where Is The Serial Number On An Accordion Tabs

Hohner has been building accordions since 1903. That’s a lot of accordions and a lot of history. Fortunately, we’ve kept track. Since 1930, every accordion which left our factory bears a serial number and we maintain an extensive library, documenting shipping date and destination of every single instrument. Sometimes we can even establish the identity of the original purchaser.

Where Is The Serial Number On My Hohner Accordion

If you own a vintage Hohner accordion, or are interested in buying or selling one, you’ll no doubt be interested in establishing its precise age and provenance. If you provide us with the serial number and exact model designation, we will establish the age of your accordion for a fixed fee of €30 / US$35 and send you a certificate to attest this.