Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

  1. Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Software
  2. Elite Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software
  3. Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software
  4. Fhc Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

PIPENET Spray/Sprinkler Module is the global leader and standard software for hydraulic analysis of firewater systems in accordance with NFPA rules. Hydraulic analysis of deluge, sprinkler, ringmain, foam solution systems. Complex fire protection systems at offshore platforms, FPSOs, refineries, storage farms. Simple Hydraulic Calculator version 2.3.6 - Powerful fully functional automatic sprinkler system hydraulic calculation software program. The Igneus Cad Utilities version 0.7.1 - An open source collection utilities for your CAD program. Igneus Flow Test version 2.0 - Create professional looking hydrant flow test reports. SHC truncates the node analysis and pipe information sections of the hydraulic calculation report until SHC is registered.

With WinSprink, a proven and successful program for the hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems has been designed. The basis for the WinSprink program is its calculation kernel, which can be used to hydraulically calculate not only tree-like but also all types of meshed piping systems.

Hydraulic calculations are a very important step when designing fire protection systems, since they ensure the flow rate established through the piping network will be enough to control fires effectively. Calculation procedures are established in model codes: automatic sprinkler systems are subject to NFPA 13 (National Fire Protection Association).

In simple terms, the hydraulic calculation procedure verifies three basic elements of a fire suppression system:

  1. Water delivery requirements for suppression of a possible fire
  2. Available water supply
  3. The piping network and its associated friction losses

Water Supply for Fire Protection

A water flow test is often used to determine the water supply available, where a fire hydrant is opened to record pressure and flow values. This information may also be publicly available from some municipal water authorities.

When a municipal water supply is not available or impractical, the piping network may be designed to draw water from another source, which can be either open or closed.

  • Lakes, ponds and rivers are examples of open sources.
  • Underground, above-ground and elevated tanks are examples of closed sources.

When water is obtained from a static supply such as a lake or buried tank, pressure must be added to have an effective water supply for fire protection. This is accounted for during the hydraulic calculation procedure, and the pressure boost is normally achieved with a fire pump or pressurized tank.

Piping System Configurations

Most piping networks in fire suppression systems can be classified into three types, based on how individual pipes are arranged: tree, loop or grid. They are summarized in the following table:

Piping ConfigurationDescription
TreeAs implied by its name, this configuration uses a main piping line that branches out into progressively smaller pipes, providing water for individual sprinklers and other fire protection elements. This is similar to how a tree has a trunk from which all branches grow.
LoopThis configuration also has a main pipe from which all others branch out. However, the main pipe returns to its starting point, completing a water loop.
GridThis configuration uses two main lines running parallel to each other, and smaller piping segments are connected to both. Since there is more than one route for water to reach a given point in the system, friction is reduced.

Regardless of the piping configuration, design standards normally require the Hazen-Williams method to determine friction losses through the system. The calculation procedure is simpler for tree and loop configurations, to the point that a manual procedure is feasible; on the other hand, grid systems normally require software to analyze and balance water flow through all possible paths. Regardless of piping configuration, computer design is the standard practice for modern fire protection systems, since software allows component changes and recalculation in just a fraction of the time required with manual procedures.

The potential intensity and extent of fire is determined based on building occupancy and height, as well as the materials stored and their arrangement. Fire protection codes normally provide tables and typical values to aid in the design procedure, which are based on decades of testing complemented with detailed fire growth modeling. The NFPA 13 Handbook includes a supplement with the theory and procedures for hydraulic calculations.

Density-Based Sprinkler Demand

When designing a sprinkler system, occupancy hazard classification is the most critical aspect and the starting point for performance requirements. Consider a scenario where the hazard is underestimated: even if the sprinkler system is perfectly designed according to the hazard level considered, it may be unable to contain the fire, leading to significant human and material consequences.

The main challenge when analyzing the hazard classification of a building is the lack of a calculation procedure; the assessment is qualitative, and it depends on experience and familiarity with NFPA standards.

Based on the hazard classification, the designer can determine the sprinkler and piping layout. The next step is to determine the maximum number of sprinklers that could activate at once realistically, and calculate the required pressure to establish sufficient flow under that scenario. As a result, any scenario involving less sprinklers is also covered. The sprinkler count that is assumed for design calculations depends strongly on the hazard classification, but there is freedom for adjustment as considered suitable by the designer.

The NFPA provides graphs that establish the relationship between area covered and flow density, and the designer selects a combination of area and density that is considered suitable for the application. Exceeding the design requirements is acceptable, but specifying a system that falls below is not allowed.

  • System operation can range from high flow density over a small area, to low density over a large area.
  • In both cases the fire is expected to be controlled without triggering sprinklers outside of the design area.

Automatic sprinkler systems are subject to stringent design requirements, which makes sense considering their role in fire suppression. Designing a sprinkler system that meets all code requirements at an optimal cost is a significant engineering challenge, which requires experience in fire protection and familiarity with standards.

Hcalc - Hydraulic calculator

Hcalc is a simple hydraulic calculator which we originally developed for use with our FHC training courses to help teach some of the fundamental hydraulic calculations & principles which are so important in fire sprinkler design. We believe that all fire protection engineers should have a good understanding of the principles of hydraulic calculations to enable them to optimize designs and to ensure that all calculations can be properly checked and verified.

Fire sprinkler engineers, inspectors, and insurance companies will find a use for our free Hcalc - Hydraulic Calculator. It can be used for teaching the principals of hydraulics in fire protection engineering, checking calculations or for solving simple hydraulic calculations for fire sprinkler, hydrant, hose reel and other types of water-based fire protection systems.

Download Hcalc

Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

give it a try today for free!

Fire protection engineers and consulting engineers from around the world have installed Hcalc to help them with calculations and the verifica

Pipe pressure loss calculations

Hazen Williams pressure loss formula

With Hcalc you can calculate the friction loss in a circular pipe using the Hayes and Williams pressure loss formula which is specified in NFPA 13 and EN 12845 and in many other international design standards.
You can specify the pipe size, flow rate, and the pipes C-factor and Hcalc will calculate the pressure loss per meter and for the total pipe length and the water velocity. You can select the type of pipe material from the drop-down list or enter your own pipe C-factor.

Whenever you need to carry out pressure loss calculation or to verify the simple calculator is ready to help.

Flow from a fire sprinkler head

Sprinkler head - K-factor calculation

With Hcalc - Spk Flow you can solve any of the three variables in the K-Factor formula, the flow from the sprinkler, the pressure required at a sprinkler and the K-Factor without the need of remembering the formula.

The K-factor formula is one of the basic building blocks of fire sprinkler design and fire protection hydraulic calculations, most of us will have committed it to memory but now with Hcalc you know longer need to. You can have this simple tool sitting on your desktop so you no longer need to find your calculator or pen and paper.

You can use Hcalc any type of fire sprinkler or water mist nozzle or in fact any other nozzle or head which you have a K-Factor, this could be a hose reel nozzle, a foam monitor or a fire hydrant.


Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Software

Hcalc Is compatible with the following Microsoft operating systems
Windows 10 (32 and 64-bit editions), Windows 8 & 8.1 and Windows 7

Hydraulics for engineers

Elite Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

If you have an interest in hydraulic calculations and the formulas associated with then then we have an excellent series of articles which will enhance your skills as a fire protection engineer.

Instruction Manual

Hcalc is easy to use but will have still provided an on-line user manual and a short video tutorial to help get you started.

You will also find all the formulas which have been used clearly set out and with additional information.

Hydraulic calculation for fire sprinkler systems

Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

If you're interested in learning more about hydraulic calculations for fire sprinkler systems would like to know how to carry out calculations for a simple tree (end fed) systems using the time honoured longhand method with paper and pen, then you may find our article how to calculate a fire sprinkler system to be of interest.

Fhc Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculation Software

We personally would not recommend this method anything more than a very simple system as by its nature will very likely to make an error somewhere in the calculation which is then compounded as you move along. Our FHC hydraulic calculation software is ideal for carrying out some calculations from the simplest to the most complicated system design.