C870 Advipservicesk9 M

This chapter covers the following topics:

#show version Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(24)T3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support. Router# show version Cisco IOS Software, C870 Software (C870-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(24)T1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc3) output suppressed ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.3(8r)YI, RELEASE SOFTWARE Router uptime is 2 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on System image file is 'flash:c870-advipservicesk9-mz.124-24.T1.bin' output.


  • Device access using the CLI
  • Basic ASA configuration
  • Basic FWSM configuration
  • Remote management access to ASA and FWSM
  • IOS Baseline configuration
  • Remote management access to IOS devices
  • Clock synchronization using NTP
  • Obtaining an IP address through the PPPoE client
  • DHCP services


  • 'All rising to great places is by a winding stair.'
  • —Francis Bacon

After the introductory lessons of the first two chapters, it is time to begin the practical work with the Cisco Classic Network Firewalls. This chapter focuses on topics such as IP address assignment, Command Line Interface (CLI) usage and how to prepare the devices to be remotely managed using protocols such as Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH) and HTTPS.


The contents presented are simple, so if you are already familiar with Cisco Classic Firewalls, you can skip this chapter altogether. If you are just beginning, this chapter's topics are relevant and helpful.


Device Access Using the CLI


Even when planning to manage a Cisco Firewall using a Graphical User Interface (GUI), you probably need to take some initial configuration steps via the CLI. The good news, in this case, is that intelligible and intuitive CLIs have always been a recognized asset of Cisco devices. The CLI is typically accessible through a serial console port or by means of terminal access protocols such as Telnet and SSH. In either situation, a terminal emulation program such as TeraTerm, Putty, or HyperTerminal is necessary.


Throughout the book, unless otherwise stated, CLI access is always assumed.