thanks for support me:) Avabel the new class revenger skill Mu. However, potions in Avabel Online are very expensive, so you are more likely to lose gold if you don't do things correctly within the game. Four Strategies for Earning Gold. If you really want to earn gold the fast and easy way, then check out these tips for farming gold in Avabel Online.
- Avabel Revenger Stats
- Avabel Revenger Puppet Master
Characters > SkillsNot much yet, but... I should put the speech about skills that was on the old skills page here... I'll just type out something similar... What Skills Are: Skills are special abilities that your character can learn using JEXP (Job Experience). Their effects range from increasing stats to making you invisible. Skills are generally categorized into two types: Active and Passive skills. Active skills are skills that make you do an action. Passive skills are skills that give effects just by learning them. An example of an active skill in Avabel Online is the Creator skill 'Wield Blow.' Using this skill causes your character to deliver a three-hit combo. An example of a passive skill would be the Acolyte skill 'Repose Mind.' This skill increases your SP recovery rate. You do not need to 'use' Repose Mind in order to increase your SP recovery rate. You simply need to learn it and it will take effect automatically. Limitations: Before you can use any skill, you first need to learn it. This requires JEXP. JEXP is gained by killing monsters and completing certain achievements. In general, stronger skills require more JEXP to learn and level up. There are no limits to passive skills except that you need to learn them before they take effect. For active skills, on top of the requirement that you need to learn them, you need to have enough SP to use them. All active skills have a set SP cost. Variation: So in case you were wondering about the variation in skills... You'll probably end up using the same two or three skills all the time. At level 6, most (if not all) active skills branch out into one of three types, labeled A, B, and C. They are all generally the same skill, but they have slight differences that may change the way you use them completely. Note: All damage multipliers are approximations. I'm still not certain how damage is calculated, so the damage multipliers are a bit iffy right now.
Crime Scythe
Swings the scythe of sin and flings it toward the enemy.
Type A: Shortened cool time.
Type B: Increased damage of the first strike.
Type C: Increased damage of the follow-up strike.
Sickle Slash
Pulls out rapid sickles and releases thrusting slash.
Type A: Shortened cool time.
Type B: Decreased consumed SP.
Type C: Increased damage in exchanged of increased cool time.
Pulls out large scythe and slashes forward. Up to 3 consecutive strikes with additional taps.
Type A: Decreased consumed SP.
Type B: Small chace of adding 'Weapon break' status to the oppenent.
Type C: Small chance of adding 'Armor break' status to the oppenent.
《 Hidden 》
Duece of Scythe
Secret move that pulls out slashing dual scythe and cuts of the surroundings.
Type A: Decreased cool time.
Avabel Revenger Stats
Type B: Increased damage.
Avabel Revenger Puppet Master
Type C: Expanded attack range.