Anastasia Once Upon A December Piano Tutorial

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Anastasia Once Upon A December Piano Tutorial

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  • Anastasia is an Academy Award nominated American animated feature musical film produced and directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman at Fox Animation Studios, and was released on November 14, 1997 by 20th Century Fox. The idea for the film originates from Fox's 1956 live-action film version of the same name.
  • Anastasia – Once Upon A December EASY Piano Tutorial. November 6, 2020 by admin 0 Comments. (Piano Tutorial Lesson) Halloween Theme – Michael.

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Once Upon A December Anastasia

Transposition: +2 :ballot_box_with_check:
p - s - f - u - s - f - p - s -
f - u - s - f - p j [sc] j [fx] j u j
[sc] j [fx] j p j [sc] j [fx] j u j [sc] j [fx] j
a j [dc] j [fx] j u H [dc] H [fx] H a j [dc] j
[fx] j u j [dc] H [fx] H [6u] p [0s] f [eij] l [7u] O
[0a] d [Wf] H [*o] p [0S] f [eig] j [9y] i [ep] d [yg] j
[4i] p [9d] g [qyj] z [3u] p [8ts] f [0j] [el] [4y] i [9p] a
[qd] g [3u] p [ra] s [uf] H [6uf] p [0s] f [eigj] - [7uf] p
[0a] d [Wf] - [Tuf] p [0S] f [ephj] - [9yd] I [ep] d [yG] -
[4ig] p [yd] g [yidj] - [3uf] p [ts] f [eupj] l [%ra] y [0u] O
[rts] - [6ep] t [0u] p [ej] - [2odh] - [9qe] - [ig] - [6odh] -
[9qe] - [ig] - [6ipsg] - [80e] - [uf] - [3upsf] - [0et] - 1 -
[7ipadg] - [qery] - [uf] - [O3uaf] - [W0ryoh] | [ig] [6ipsg] - [680] -
[uf] - [!Sf] 6 0 e u p [2odh] - [9qe] - [ig] - [6odh] -
[9qe] - [ig] - [6ipsg] - [80e] - [uf] - [1upsf] - [0et] - [ts] -
[$YIra] - $ - [YIts] - [Y4ria] - 4 - [Ytis] - [3upaf] - 2 -
@ - [W390r] - $ - % -

Once Upon A December Piano

Transposition: +4 :ballot_box_with_check:
[6upsf] - [80eups] - [80eipsg] - [O7uaf] -
[70W] u [70WO] a [!oh] - [T0eu] - [T0eig] - [2yipd] - [9qe] i [9qep] d
[9ipg] - e - [yd] - [0psf] - t [ts] [up] - [O0a] - r -
u - [0aH] - r - u - [ej] s [tg] s [uf] s 0 s
[tg] s [uf] s e s [tg] s [uf] s 0 s [tg] s [uf] s {60etupsfj}